The man who can stretch his skin for over 6 in
Garry Turner (UK), better known as the Stretchy Skin Man, is able to stretch the skin of his stomach to a distended length of 15.8 cm (6.25 in) due to a rare medical condition called Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, a disorder of the connective tissues affecting the skin, ligaments and internal organs.
The contortionist who can squeeze through the head of a tennis racquet
Captain Frodo is a very disconcerting figure. It could be his semi-naked and very white body, bulging eyes, tattooed back, or perhaps the 2in black pegs skewered through his nipples that do it. Or maybe it is the small fact that he is currently squeezing his body through a 10in diameter tennis racquet - strings removed. Oh yes, and to speed things along a bit, he’s now dislocating one joint after another, leaving spaces where shoulders should be and white limbs flopping and flapping in all the wrong places like a rag doll gone wrong. He’s a contortionist in La Clique, a circus that also features juggling, sword-swallowing, strong men acts, acrobatics – indeed, pretty much everything but the bearded lady.
The man who can fit an entire Coke can in his mouth
Meet the man who won a place in the Guinness World Records for having a mouth so rubbery he can fit an entire Coke can in it… sideways. Francisco Domingo Joaquim’s mouth stretches to a massive 6.69-inch-long, which adjudicators from the famous record book say is the world’s widest. The 20-year-old record breaker from Sambizanga, Angola, is said to have shot to fame after showing off his ‘talent’ at local markets and football games.